Sunday, September 20, 2009

Spider experience

Friday night, we had game night at JoAnne's home in Provo. Kaye, Margel, Marylynn, Mitzy, Katie, Tonja, Alene, and a bunch of kids were there. All of a sudden the kids started screaming about a spider. When we looked at the spider, it looked quite a bit like this. For those who know their spiders, it was a hobo spider. Needless to say, total chaos was happening for quite a while. I still get the willies thinking about it. Anyway, Tonja and Mitzy killed it and we got a better look at it.

I sure hope I don't run into one of those again!! It was a scary looking thing!!

1 comment:

kalysta said...

i now i stepped on it at my grandmas. this story took place at my grandmas. i was the one that screamed first cuz i stepped on it. i thought it was one of my cusens toy spiders, but it wasn't. :O