Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Temple dedication

Today, I went to the dedication of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. It's the newest temple in Utah and is located in the southwestern part of the Salt Lake Valley. It makes the 13th temple in Utah and the 130th temple worldwide.

I was able to see the dedication in our stake center which was broadcasted from the temple. Regular church meetings were cancelled so that everyone would get a chance to go. There were a total of 9 different sessions. President Monson was presiding and conducting the meeting. President Eyring, Elder Ballard, a couple of 70s, and Sister Allred from the General Relief Society were all there and we were able to hear from all of them. President Eyring actually read the dedicatory prayer that was written by President Monson. I am so glad that I was able to go and be a part of this historic occasion. Elder Ballard said that there are now 10 temples within 2 hours from Salt Lake. How amazing is that!!

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