Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cousins Night Out

Last night, we had a cousins night out. We did something a bit different this time. Usually, we go to a movie but this time we decided to go bowling. All of our cousins are invited but usually only a few come. Margel, Kaylynne, Tonja, Katie, her daughter Ezzeree, Celeste and I were there. I took my mom's bowling ball in hopes I'd bowl better. I'm not a great bowler but always have fun when I go. My first game I bowled 77 and my second game I bowled 94. Usually my first game is my best one but not yesterday. Tonja won the 1st game and Margel won the 2nd game.

This picture of bowling shoes reminded me of the shoes I had yesterday. I've always wondered why they are always so ugly. Maybe, it's to keep people from stealing them!! Who in their right mind would want to steal shoes that have been worn by several different people? The shoes I had yesterday were about the most uncomfortable bowling shoes I've ever worn. By the end of the night, the bottom of my feet were so sore!! They are still a bit sore today.

We went to Applebees for dinner. I was good and chose one of their more healthier meals, steak and mushrooms. It was a dish suggested by Weight Watchers so I thought I'd better try it. It was really good. I've been craving a good steak. It was small but the perfect size to satisfy my craving.

I am so glad that I get along so well with my cousins. So many people that I've talked to hardly know their cousins. It's great to have people to hang out with. We do plan on getting together once a month and doing something together. It's important to keep in touch with each other.


David Kleparek said...

I wish I was in Utah so I could go hang out with you all... as long as boys are allowed too.

agarrett said...

I wish you were here as well. All cousins are invited to come to cousin, girl or guy. It just ends up that only the girls have been able to come.